Furniture as a service - Vepa
Photography: Alexander Berge

Furniture as a service

Pay for sitting, instead of a chair

The shift from a linear to a circular economy requires new business models.

One of these models is the Furniture as a Service model (FaaS). With FaaS, the producer or supplier remains the owner of the product. The user receives the product on loan and only pays for the use.


We carried out several FaaS projects at Vepa in the past period. With these projects we guarantee to take the furniture back after the pre-determined period. Usually after 5 or 10 years.

Organisations can also choose to become owner of the furniture after the pre-determined period. Or we take the furniture back.

We check the furniture, provide maintenance and, when necessary, revitalise the furniture for a second life.


Circular design

If you, as a manufacturer, remain the owner of your furniture, it pays to design it as circularly as possible.

For us, circular design is nothing new. Whether we remain owner of the furniture or not, we make sure that components are easily replaced and furniture can be adapted to a changing demand.

We can easily exchange components from various versions, sizes or colours.



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