Our ambitions - Vepa

Our ambitions

We have great ambitions when it comes to sustainability. We want to be the leader in our industry. And let’s face it, aren’t we already?

We have great ambitions when it comes to sustainability. How we do this?
Simply by starting and going one step at a time.”

Ambition #1
We invest in sustainable innovation and development

We continue to invest energy, time and money in modern production methods, innovative raw materials, greener energy use and cooperation with education, suppliers and producers in the Netherlands. This way, we keep our environmental impact 100% transparent, our production is verifiably less harmful and we do our bit for society.

CO2 -performance ladder

The CO2 performance ladder is one of the ways to visualise our sustainable ambitions. So that is what we are doing. The CO2 performance ladder is an initiative of the Stichting Klimaatvriendelijk Aanbesteden en Ondernemen (Dutch Foundation for Climate Friendly Procurement and Business) and helps organisations and governments to map out and reduce their CO2 emissions. We are currently at level three of the ladder. Needless to say, we try to move up a level each year.

Regular reporting is part of the CO2 performance ladder and covers issues such as the carbon footprint, CO2 targets, progress on reduction measures and initiatives to further reduce CO2 emissions.

Our targets

  • Reduce CO2 emissions from the use of company cars by 30% over the next eight years and 3% in 2022.
  • Reduce CO2 emissions from private car use by 20% over the next eight years and 5% in 2023.
  • Reduce CO2 emissions from electricity use by 100% by 2024.

Our initiatives

  • Our factory in Emmen will no longer be heated by natural gas, but by a heat pump.
  • For enamelling – the hardening of lacquers and coatings in an oven – we will generate our own hydrogen in Emmen.
  • The new muffle in Hoogeveen is an A-oven, which is the most sustainable of its kind. The heating of this oven can be done partly with solar energy.
  • The new building at our Hoogeveen location will be constructed  in the most sustainable way possible. This includes heat and cold storage and solar panels.
  • We install almost 3,000 solar panels on the roof of our plant in Emmen, which means that 2/3 of the energy we use comes from solar power.

Performance review

You can download our CO2 progress report and energy action plan for 2022 via this link (only available in Dutch).
You can download our CO2 progress report and energy action plan for 2021 via this link (only available in Dutch).

The image above shows the waste profile of the Hoogeveen site. We have achieved these beautiful results by working together with Renewi (formerly known as Van Gansewinkel). In 2022 17% of our residual material was immediately redeployed as a new resource for other products.

80% served as raw material for green energy and 2% of our residual materials was converted into heat, power and energy on combustion. In doing so, we avoided 1,502 tonnes of Co2 emissions. An unrivalled achievement in this industry, of which we are very proud.

Ambition #2
We are committed to a completely waste-free business operation

Obviously, we only use 100% recyclable materials from the region and reuse all our residual materials in several innovative ways. And our refurbished furniture? Already it is almost indistinguishable from new.

We have been monitoring our residual flows for years and although the vast majority of our residual flows was converted into new raw materials and green energy, there was still a part that was labelled ‘waste’.
Until 2018. As of 2018, our location in Hoogeveen is ‘waste-free’. We expect Emmen to follow in the near future.

We are honest and open

We are 100% transparent in our sustainability goals.
We share our results and are honest and open about our processes and the materials we use.

We make tomorrow work. For nature and the environment.
For our customers with their own ideals and goals.
For new generations: the employees and leaders of tomorrow.
For our people, who we like to see healthy and happy.

Ambition #3
We eliminate all harmful materials and scarce minerals from the production process

Already, we work mainly with sustainable materials from our own country. We use wood waste to press table tops and leftover steel to make accessories. We are mindful of the planet and focus intensely on people. Health, vitality and well-being are of paramount importance to us.


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a fair furniture company